Chuang Yi announces Pokémon Adventures's 30th volume

To be sold for S$ 8.50
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  • Friday, May 29, 2009

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The release date for the 30th volume of Pokémon Adventures, 「ポケットモンスター☆SPECIAL」 Pocket Monsters ☆ SPECIAL in Japan, was announced by Chuang Yi on their official site. It will be released around June in Singapore for S$ 8.50, which is approximately US $5.86. The book's ISBN is 9789812768629.

This volume will feature the the start of the adventures of Diamond, Pearl and Lady Berlitz as they travel through Sinnoh. Lady Berlitz must fulfill a family tradition by using a material from the Mt. Coronet's summit to create an accessory bearing the her family's crest.

Rounds in Volume 30


Chuang Yi