EarthBound-based wiki joins NIWA

Revision as of 01:36, 6 November 2010 by Jello (talk | contribs)
WikiBound becomes 12th member of NIWA
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  • Friday, November 5, 2010

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WikiBound, a wiki based on the EarthBound/Mother series, joins NIWA. The wiki was founded on February 24, 2010 by Tacopill. The wiki currently has 206 articles, with 23 users. The wiki was once known as PKWiki, but the name was changed to WikiBound through a vote on NIWA's forums.

WikiBound's logo

NIWA, short for Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance, is an alliance consisting of 12 wikis. The first three were Bulbapedia, ZeldaWiki, and Super Mario Wiki. The alliance soon grew to six, later to ten, and now to the current twelve.

External information