Hi, im AssistZ or Pierce GA. I joined Bulbanews on December 21, 2010. I've actually been scrolling up and down Bulpabedia almost every second for the past 1.5 years. I originally got into Pokémon in 2009. I don't remember how.
Assist = I want to help anyone in need of assistance on Bulbanews
Z = Porygon-Z
= AssistZ If you need any assistance, feel free to contact me.
Pokemon White (ENG) Status *Not Yet Realeased Pokemon Black(JP) Status *Not Yet Received*
Pokémon SoulSilver (ENG) Version Status
Name: Pierce Time: 337:37 ID No.: 20628 Badges: 16 Pokédex: 493*
- I caught them all!
Friend Code: 4770 1012 8743 Location: Blackthorn City Currently....
Name Species Level HP LIQUID Palkia 100 331/331 JOLTS Luxray 100 286/286 Rocky Onix 5 19/19 BONSLY Bonsly 1 12/12 TYROGUE Tyrogue 10 29/29 GASTLY Gastly 21 44/44
Official Team* RAZORE - Meganium JOLTS - Luxray LIQUID - Palkia LAZY - Snorlax NOTAVIRUS - PorygonZ *All Lv. 100 Pokémon Diamond (ENG)
- Info will be added soon
Pokémon Emerald (ENG) *Info will be added soon Pokémon Emerald (ENG) *Info will be added soon
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NEWS:
to be added soon