Bulbanews:Article submission

Revision as of 06:48, 11 September 2011 by The dark lord trombonator (talk | contribs) (This should make things easier?)

Bulbanews is a news service that you can contribute to. The lifecycle of an article is very simple:

Draft submitted Editorial review Article published

Unlike most news services, your submissions to Bulbanews are immediately visible to all and are included in updates to the front page (under the heading developing stories) — so even if there are no editors on duty, your contribution will not be missed.

Article submission process

Clicking on "Submit an article" in the site's left navigation panel will open the new article assistant, a form where the author inputs basic information about the article.

Basic information

  • Title: an informative headline like in a professional newspaper. Only the first letter of the headline and proper nouns are capitalized, and the title must contain a verb.
    • Example: Explorers of the Sky sells 141,771 in first day
    • Example: Secret Key to be available in North America
  • Tagline: also known as a subhead. This is another headline that provides complementary information to the article's title. The following are examples of appropriate taglines for the above two example titles.
    • Example: At top of charts, outselling Mario & Luigi RPG 3
    • Example: To be distributed via Wi-Fi and Toys "R" Us stores
  • Type: type of article.
    • Options: news article, rumor, feature article, column, editorial, opinion piece, opinion column, breaking news, local news
    • Most articles are of the news article type.
  • Category: organizational system for Bulbanews.
    • Use the drop-down to select the relevant category. Additional categories can be added after the form has been submitted.
  • Picture: relevant image, if any, that is located on the Bulbagarden Archives server. Images inputted into this text box require only the filename and file extension, no prefix needed. If no image, leave the field blank.
    • Example: Platinum-box.png
  • Caption: a short, two to three word description of the picture. If no image, leave the field blank.
    • Example: Platinum boxart

Source information

About you

  • User name: Your user name will be automatically placed here. If you wish to be credited under another name, change the automatic input.
    • Example: Example
  • User link: A link to your userpage will be automatically placed here. If you wish to link to your Bulbapedia userpage, or another page on any Bulbawiki, you may change the input.
    • Example: User:Example
    • Example: bp:User:Example
    • Example: User talk:Example

About your source

Most of the time, Bulbanews articles are submitted based on another report a writer has read. These are typically from official sources. It is vital that you supply a source with your article; failure to do so may result in the article not being published.

  • Type: Bulbanews accepts five different source types
    • Exclusive: generally for opinions, columns, and reports about Bulbanews
    • Other web site: for reports from official sources such as Pokémon.com
    • Press release: for when a press release is quoted in the article
    • Magazine article: for when your source is a physical magazine. It is best to link to a scan of the magazine for veracity.
    • None: for when you don't have a source. Avoid using this.
  • Link: a link to the web site, press release, or a magazine scan.


This, in most cases, will be the lead sentence or sentences of the article. These sentences should give the most important and relevant information of the article. In journalism/inverted pyramid style, this information is generally the who/what/where/when/why/how angle.

  • Example: According to a Media Create weekly rating, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky sold 141,771 in its first day on shelves. The game ranked above Sengoku Basara Battle Heroes and Mario & Luigi RPG 3.
  • Example: The Secret Key will be available over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection and at Toys "R" Us stores in the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico. It will be available via Wi-Fi from April 20 to May 12 and at Toys "R" Us stores from April 19-26.

Do not put template coding such as {{bp|Pokémon}} in the blurb! This will break our front page!

Article text

The article itself, with the blurb text first.