Bulbanews:Contact us

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General suggestions

If you have general suggestions for Bulbanews, please post them in the Bulbawiki General forum on the Bulbagarden Forums, or if you would like to make a suggestion privately, send an e-mail to the editor at [email protected].

Bulbanews is not the same as Bulbapedia. Please do not address e-mails to Bulbapedia, or they may be forwarded to the wrong individual.

Getting published

Opinion pieces

Bulbanews will publish original, well-written and thought-out opinion pieces on current events. Opinion pieces must meet the same professional Associated Press style requirements as regular news articles. To submit an opinion piece, follow the steps outlined in Bulbanews:Article submission. You may wish to submit your opinion privately; if so, submit it to editor using the e-mail above.

Bulbanews editors will review proposed opinion pieces and reserve the right to refuse publication of any submitted piece.


If you would like to publish a regular column on Bulbanews, please e-mail an application to [email protected]. Please include the following in your application:

  • Column title
  • Theme of the column
  • Schedule (i.e. daily, weekly, fortnightly, etc.). Explain how you will be able to realistically meet this schedule given your real-life responsibilities. Do you have enough topics for how many columns you would like to write?
  • Redistribution license (a Creative Commons license is recommended)
  • At least one sample column (400+ words)

Columns that have not been approved will be deleted by a staff member until approval has been given by the Editor in Chief.