Toys 'R' Us giving away Shaymin in February

Revision as of 18:40, 25 January 2009 by Immewnity (talk | contribs) (uh oh...)
U.S. retailer deletes Facebook event page
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  • Thursday, January 23, 2009
  • Reported on Bulbanews by Argy

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Earlier this week, Toys "R" Us created a Facebook event page for a Shaymin giveaway to be held Feb. 8-14 in participating U.S. stores. Players of Pokémon Diamond or Pearl can obtain Shaymin from in-store DS Download Stations. The store will also distribute a coupon for $5 off any Pokémon Nintendo DS game and a free Pokémon poster.

Shaymin poster
Coupon for $5 off a Pokémon DS game

However, Toys "R" Us deleted the event listing today. This came after posted an announcement that it will reveal the event on Thursday. The announcement did not give any details about the event, only that there would be one. However, has also deleted its page about the event.
