Golden Sun Wiki joins NIWA

Revision as of 06:03, 1 December 2010 by Jello (talk | contribs)
A wiki aiming to be the number one Golden Sun source joins NIWA
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  • Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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Golden Sun Universe, a wiki based on the popular Golden Sun series of games, has joined NIWA. It was a former Wikia wiki that moved off the wiki farm's servers when offered a membership spot on NIWA. Golden Sun Universe's membership was just in time for the release of a new Golden Sun series game in over seven years.

Golden Sun Universe's logo

NIWA, which is short for the Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance, is a network of Nintendo-based wikis that aim to be independent from wiki farms such as Wikia. Golden Sun Wiki was the group's 15th member, and the first to join on a Tuesday after a series of wikis joining on Friday. A new member will join next Friday.

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