Postponed episode to air in June

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Basslao to debut in delayed episode
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  • Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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One of three delayed episodes in the Best Wishes! series will finally be played after it was originally scheduled to air April 7, according to Japanese magazine Terebikun. The episode, 「ヒウンシティのつり大会!釣りソムリエ・デント登場!!」 "Fishing Conference in Hiun City! Fishing Sommelier - Dent Appears!!" will air on June 23.

Scan from Terebikun magazine
Image from the episode

The episode was delayed due to the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami shortly before the episode was supposed to debut. Two others were also postponed, and it remains unknown when, or if, they will air.

The episode will feature both forms of Basslao in a fishing contest in which Pokémon Sommelier Dent competes. The episode is set in Huin City some time after Satoshi's third Gym Battle.

In actuality, some clips from this episode have already been played; a few scenes were featured in Dr. Ōkido's Live Caster after the latest episode of the series.