Mangas announced, released

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  • Thursday, August 20, 2009

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This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.

The release date for the first volume of 「ポケットモンスタープラチナ めざせ!!バトル王」 Pokémon Platinum - Aim!! Battle King was announced on the CoroCoro comics site. It will be released on Aug. 28 in Japan for ¥410.

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Pokémon Platinum - Aim!! Battle King

The manga was written by Ryuu Matsushima, and its ISBN is 4091408346.

Chuang Yi has also released the ninth volume of Magical Pokémon Journey, known as 「ポケットモンスター PiPiPi★アドベンチャー」 Pokémon PiPiPi Adventure in Japan. The ninth volume started being sold in Singapore last Aug. 18 and costs SGD 8.50.

Because the series was concluded in the seventh volume by VIZ Media, Chuang Yi has picked up where VIZ left off. Chuang Yi has not released an ISBN for the volume.

This volume introduces new characters suchs as Plum and her Chansey, nurses who exorcise people's negative qi.

These are the chapters for Magical Pokémon Journey. Please note that these titles are only translations of the Japanese titles.
