M-Heracross-EX MヘラクロスEX MHeracrossEX
Hit Points: 220
Does * damage minus 10 damage for each damage counter on this Pokémon.
This Pokémon is both type
If this Baby Pokémon is your Active Pokémon and your opponent tries to attack, your opponent flips a coin (before doing anything else required in order to use that attack). If tails, your opponent's turn ends without an attack.
If this Baby Pokémon is your Active Pokémon and your opponent tries to attack, your opponent flips a coin (before doing anything else required in order to use that attack). If tails, your opponent's turn ends without an attack.
You may have up to 4 Basic Pokémon cards in your deck with Unown in their names.
You may have as many of this card in your deck as you like.
When Pokémon-ex has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
Put this card onto your Active Missingno.. Missingno. LV. X can use any attack, Poké-Power, or Poké-Body from its previous Level.
Put this card from your hand onto your Bench only with the other half of Missingno. .
Put this card from your hand onto your Bench only with the other half of Missingno. & Missingno. . When this Pokémon has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
Attach this card to 1 of your Pokémon in play. That Pokémon may use this card's attack instead of its own. At the end of your turn, discard this card.
You may attach this as an Energy card from your hand to 1 of your Pokémon. While attached, this card is a Special Energy card and provides Energy.
You may attach this as an Energy card from your hand to 1 of your Pokémon that already has an Energy card attached to it. When you attach this card, return an Energy card attached to that Pokémon to your hand. While attached, this card is a Special Energy card and provides every type of Energy but 2 Energy at a time. (Has no effect other than providing Energy.)
You can't have more than 1 Pokémon in your deck.
You can't have more than 1 Shining Missingno. in your deck.
This card can't evolve into Pikachu. If this Baby Pokémon is your Active Pokémon and your opponent tries to attack, your opponent flips a coin (before doing anything else required in order to use that attack). If tails, your opponent's turn ends without an attack.
When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
weakness ×2
resistance None
retreat cost