New information on Pokémon XD

Revision as of 19:37, 12 May 2005 by Nyoo (talk | contribs)
CoroCoro's June 2005 issue reveals Pokémon XD's full title, release date, and more information
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  • Tuesday, May 12, 2005

001Bulbasaur Dream.png
This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.

Today, two new scans from the June 2005 issue of the Japanese magazine CoroCoro were uploaded to a Japanese Image Board(see source) showing new information on Pokémon XD, the second GameCube game developed by Genius Sonority, Inc. It revealed the full title of the game, Pokemon XD: Yami-no Kaze Dark Lugia "Pokemon XD: Dark Winds Dark Lugia" (while XD meaning "Xtra Dimension"), and the game's release date for Japan, which will be on August 8th, 2005. Also, the scans of course show more screenshots and finally some actual first information on the game's story and it's characters.

Pokémon XD's Hero

The scans:

Scan from CoroCoro June 2005 with new information on Pokémon XD
Scan from CoroCoro June 2005 with new information on Pokémon XD

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