Official update boasts over 20 new XY cards
The official Pokémon card website has finished their Generation 6 renovation, and with it came over 20 new cards interspersed between rule documents, event promotions, and normal site updates. Generation VI Pokémon Gogoat, Helioptile, Noibat, Noivern had their first cards announced, while familiar faces Venusaur, Pikachu, Raichu, Diglett, Venipede, and more are gaining another card. Trainer cards Energy Switch, Energy Retrieval, Super Scoop Up, and Full Heal are reprinted, while the Muscle Band and Pal Pad game items make their TCG debut. This update contained a massive amount of information, all of which is laid out below.
First off, the first booster box images of Collection X and Collection Y been revealed. The booster box for Collection X sports the artwork for Bisharp and Fennekin, while the Collection Y booster box features Pumpkaboo and Skitty. Also revealed for these two expansions were Pawniard, Pikachu, Swellow, Swirlix, and a new Pokémon Tool card Muscle Band for Collection X, while Collection Y receives Diglett, Venipede, and Double Colorless Energy. A clearer image of the M Venusaur-EX revealed by the Rule insert of the XY Beginning Set was also included in the update, as well as a tiny teaser of Collection Y's M Blastoise-EX (see above image).
Promotional card-wise, a vast amount of promotional cards were revealed, most in conjunction with the upcoming Battle Festa tournament happening in Japan. At the Battle Festa event, players who participate will receive a commemorative Helioptile promotional card. Those who place well enough in the event will receive a special Muscle Band promotional reprint. At the event, attendees may participate in the Play Corner side events to earn points based on how well they do. Players who earn 3 points will receive a new Gogoat promotional card, while 10 points will earn a Tierno Holofoil reprint. Additional promotional cards to be handed out the event by a currently unknown method include promotional Holofoil reprints of Energy Retrieval, Energy Switch, Super Scoop Up, and Full Heal, in addition to a brand new card Pal Pad. Victory Ring promotional cards will be awarded to top finishers. Additional promotional cards include a Pikachu and Raichu pair to be handed out at upcoming Pokémon Card Game Classroom deck building learning events. Furthermore, also revealed were the booster box promo cards for this expansion: those who purchase a booster box for this set will receive both a Noibat and Noivern promotional card.
Translations and images of most everything mentioned above can be seen below. Unfortunately, the new M Blastoise-EX and Swirlix preview are much too obscure and small to make any details out. Additionally, the three Victory Ring cards have their text obscured by the stamp, and are too difficult to make out at this time.
M Venusaur-EX
Muscle Band
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Energy Retrieval
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Energy Switch
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Super Scoop Up
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Full Heal
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Pal Pad
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