AG149 - Battle Arena! Fighting Showdown!!

Revision as of 16:35, 28 October 2005 by Argy (talk | contribs)
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AG149 has aired in Japan
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  • Friday, October 28, 2005
  • Reported on Bulbanews by Argy

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Satoshi challenges the Battle Arena brain, Kogomi. He uses Juptile and Kabigon against Kogomi's Hariteyama and Charem, and Kabigon proves successful.

File:AG149 008.jpeg
Satoshi and Pikachu
Bulbagarden Archives
Bulbagarden Archives has an item related to this article:
Bulbapedia has an article related to this story:

For a summary and pictures, view the episode's Bulbapedia entry and view the Archives screenshots.

Next week: AG149 - Battle Arena! Fighting Showdown!!