3DS Circle Pad add-on announced

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New base gives console second circle pad
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  • Thursday, September 8, 2011

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This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.

This month's issue of the Japanese Famitsu magazine has revealed a new add-on for Nintendo's latest handheld console, the Nintendo 3DS. Dubbed the "Expansion Slide Pad", the new accessory clips onto the 3DS like a base, giving it a second circle pad and an R2 button.

File:3DS Expansion Slide Pad.png
The new 3DS peripheral

So far, only one game has been confirmed to use the new peripheral; the recently announced Monster Hunter Tri G. Monster Hunter supervisor Ryozo Tsujimoto has gone on record to say:

"[The Expansion Slide Pad] provides a good grip on the system" and it will be "a secret weapon which will allow you to play the game with the same feeling as playing Monster Hunter Tri on Wii".

Nintendo plan to reveal more information regarding to Expansion Slide Pad at a later date.