Anime to get new theme songs

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'High Five!', 'Surely Tomorrow' to debut Oct. 2
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  • Friday, September 19, 2008
  • Reported on Bulbanews by Argy

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TV Tokyo's Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Web site has confirmed that the anime series will debut new opening and ending themes Oct. 2. The opening, High Five! (ハイタッチ!), will be sung by Rica Matsumoto (松本梨香) and Megumi Toyoguchi (豊口めぐみ), the voice actors for Satoshi and Hikari, respectively. Kanako (歌奈子) will sing the ending, Surely Tomorrow (あしたはきっと).

DP096 and DP097, Team Galaxy Attacks!! (ギンガ団襲撃!!), are scheduled to air Oct. 2 on TV Tokyo.

The TV Tokyo site says of High Five!: "Satoshi and Hikari will have powerful and healthy Pokémon in this new duet song!" For Surely Tomorrow, its description says: "Pikachu, Pochama and the others will appear in this cute dancing reconciliation song!"
