Daily bonuses to be added to Pokémon GO

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  • Thursday, November 3, 2016

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This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.

A new update to Pokémon GO will add daily bonuses for performing certain actions.

A daily bonus

Each bonus can be obtained once per day. Achieving the bonus seven days in a row will net a larger reward. If the player catches a Pokémon at any time on Tuesday local time, they will be eligible for the next daily bonus on Wednesday at 12 am local time.

This update is not currently available, and its release date has not yet been announced.


Once per day, catching a Pokémon will earn 500 XP and 600 Stardust. If this bonus is achieved for seven days in a row, the player will receive 2,000 XP and 2,400 Stardust.

Once per day, visiting a PokéStop and spinning the Photo Disc will earn 500 XP and a number of additional items. If this bonus is achieved for seven days in a row, the player will receive 2,000 XP and a greater number of additional items.