First Pokémon GO patch released for iOS

Resolves Google account concerns
Report error
  • Wednesday, July 13, 2016

001Bulbasaur Dream.png
This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.

The first update for Pokémon GO is now available, but only for iOS. This version is numbered 0.29.1 in-game and 1.0.1 on the App Store.

Pokémon GO logo

Concerns were raised when it was discovered that the game would be granted full Google account access if signing in using a Google account. Niantic issued a statement declaring that requesting such permissions was an error, and that Pokémon GO only accessed the User ID and email address from the Google account. This patch means that the app no longer requests such a high level of access.

The update also means that users do not have to repeatedly enter their username and password after being forcefully logged out.

Additionally, the patch is supposed to add stability to the Pokémon Trainer Club account log-in process and resolve some issues that cause crashes. However, many players have reported that instead it prevents logging in with a Pokémon Trainer Club account entirely; Niantic have yet to issue a public statement addressing these reports.

Patch notes

  • Trainers do not to have to enter their username and password repeatedly after a force log out
  • Added stability to Pokémon Trainer Club account log-in process
  • Resolved issues causing crashes
  • Fixed Google account scope
  -- Niantic