Fourteenth Pokémon films coming to region 1 DVD April 3

Both films to be released in one package
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  • Saturday, December 24, 2011

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This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper. has updated to include pre-orders and information for the Pokémon the Movie: White - Victini and Zekrom and Black - Victini and Reshiram Region 1 DVDs. The two films have previously been released to American audiences before, with White - Victini and Zekrom shown in select theaters on Dec. 3 and 4, and Black - Victini and Reshiram shown on Cartoon Network on Dec. 10 and 11.

M14 English poster

The new information states that the two films will be available from April 3 as a set with two discs. Information on the films being available separately has not yet emerged.

The movies are two versions of the same story. They follow Ash Ketchum and his friends as they encounter the legendary Pokémon Victini. Depending on the film, they have to team up with either the Vast White Pokémon Reshiram or the Deep Black Pokémon Zekrom.

The original Japanese dub of the two films were released last Dec. 16 in DVD and Blu-ray.