New Japanese ending theme will debut Oct. 1

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Dotchi ~ Nyo?
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  • Friday, September 18, 2009
  • Reported on Bulbanews by Adyniz

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It was officially announced by Pokemon TV Tokyo website. It was announced that the new ending will be debut aired on 1st october with DP 145 & DP 146. The spell-like song will have a Middle Eastern-style intro and a mysterious jar-like rhythm. Despite the song's title, it has nothing to do with the pokemon* or the techniques of the same name and is instead a confusing and puzzling - yet fun - pokemon song. In addition, this ending song adds to the fun by asking a quiz during the final lyrics "Which one is it today? Up? Down? Right? Left?".

Cast Members Info: New Ending Theme "Dotchi ~ Nyo?" Sung by: MooMoo Milk and Araki-san Lyrics: Yoshikawa Chouji & the Asakusa Kids Composition & Arrangement: Araki Keiroku.
