PokéPark closes after 192 days

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Pokémon theme park attracted more than 4 million
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  • Tuesday, September 27, 2005

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This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.
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The world's first Pokémon-themed amusement park, Pokémon the Park, more commonly known as PokéPark, closed last Sunday, after 192 days of operation starting March 18, 2005.

The number of visitors exceeded 4 million on September 22, far exceeding the original target of 3 million. On the final day, singer and voice actress for Satoshi, Matsumoto Rica performed live on stage as part of the farewell party.

The Pokeani webmaster believes that although the amusement park has closed here, taking into consideration the popularity implied by that 4 million figure, it is possible that another Pokémon theme park will be opened, somewhere.