Pokémon X and Y will be playable at Gamescom in Germany

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This will be the first time European audiences will play the games
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  • Thursday, August 8, 2013

551Sandile Dream.png
This local article reports on an event in a specific geographical location. It may not be relevant for all readers.

Gamescom is held in Cologne, Germany from Aug. 21 to 25 and will feature several game demos that will also provide European's with their first chance at a hands on demo of Pokémon X/Y. Gamescom is open to the public and is held at the Koelnmesse Exhibition Center.

The demo will give players a taste of the culture of Kalos, the new region Pokémon X/Y is set in, as well as feature some of the new Pokémon that have been revealed over the course of the past few months.

The trade show will also feature booths and demo stations for Sony and their Playstation 4, Microsoft and the Xbox One as well as Nintendo's Wii U. Nintendo will also be featuring games like Pikmin 3, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, Sonic Lost World and several other games for both the Wii U and 3DS.