Pokémon arcade game revealed

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Pokémon Battrio to offer three-on-three battles
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  • Wednesday, April 11, 2007
  • Reported on Bulbanews by Argy

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This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.

Tomy today announced a July Japan-wide debut of Pokémon Battrio (ポケモンバトリオ), a Pokémon arcade game that is similar to Wii's Pokémon Battle Revolution. However, unlike previous Pokémon games, players can hold three-on-three battles, and Pokémon characters are animated using cel shading. Players control their Pokémon via data-containing pucks placed on a playing field. According to Pokeani, the compatibility of the Pokémon placed in certain formations will sway the battles' outcomes.


Thirty-six Pokémon will be available from the game's start. The game will be playable at June's World Hobby Fair in Tokyo.

One five-minute game will cost 100 yen. According to Pokeani, the target age for the game's players is approximately six years old.
