Behrad Behdarvand is a 12 year old Pokémon trainer from Twinleaf Town in the Sinnoh region. He is a proffesional in his Pokémon school and his Pokémon teachers think he is a great Pokémon Trainer. His friends Joshua, twins Kenan & Kerim, Peter & his lazy-at-training-Pokémon brother, Arad are always at his side and ready for a battle, but his greatest rival, was his best friend, also from Twinleaf Town, Skarm (who seemed to constantly loose to all of Behrad's Battles).

Behrad has completed many chalanges including: raising his starter pokémon (Piplup) to level 100 (as Empoleon) manually, completed the Sinnoh & National dex manually, upgraded his underground flag to a Platinum flag manually, defeated the Elite Four, deafeated Campion Cynthia & entered the Hall Of Fame manually, winning the Ultra-Super contest for the Cool ribbion manually & filling up his PC with the last Pokémon bieng a Starly and the first bieng a Machop thus he so far has a Golden with four stars Trainer Card.