VGC 2018 rules have been updated for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

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Updated VGC rules announced by Play! Pokémon
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  • Saturday, December 9, 2017

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This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.

The removed/new VGC rules are as follows:

Play Pokémon logo

1. "Pokémon may not hold a Mega Stone." has been removed

2. "A player’s team cannot contain two Pokémon with the same Alola Pokédex number." changed to "A player’s team cannot contain two Pokémon with the same National Pokédex number."

3. New rules have been added about what Pokémon can be used "Players may use Pokémon with the following National Pokédex numbers, provided they are caught or hatched in the game or received at an official event or distribution. #001 - #149, #152 - #248, #293–299, #252 - #381, #387 - #482, #485 - #486, #488, #495 - #642, #645, #650 - #715, #722 - #788, #793 - #799, #803 - #806"

4. "Ash-Greninja is prohibited from use."

5. "Where Pokémon have a regional variant, either form may be used."

6. Clearer messages about disqualification due to not updating the system to the latest update

7. "Player time (“Your Time”) limit: 5 minutes". It has changed from 10 to 5 minutes. They have also mentioned, "In the interest of maintaining an enjoyable tournament environment, Pokémon Organized Play may decide to make revisions to this limit during the season based on feedback from Organizers.".

8. Not allowed to have "Any Pokémon with an attack, Ability, Nature, or other attribute that cannot be obtained through normal gameplay or official promotion."

9 . "Manual Hack Check considerations have been updated for the 2018 format."

Please bear in mind, the changes introduced will apply to the VGC Standard format from January 1st, 2018.

Happy battling Trainers!