WikiDex joins Encyclopædiæ Pokémonis

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Spanish wiki joins Pokémon wiki group
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  • Monday, May 7, 2018
  • Reported on Bulbanews by Abcboy

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WikiDex, a Spanish-language Pokémon wiki, has become the newest member of Encyclopædiæ Pokémonis, a multilingual Pokémon encyclopedia project that includes Bulbapedia and six other wikis. The wiki currently has more than 14,000 articles, focusing on various aspects of the Pokémon franchise.

Encyclopædiæ Pokémonis logo for WikiDex

WikiDex was founded on Wikia on March 14, 2006. On August 11, 2017, it became an independent wiki. The current active staff of the wiki consists of bureaucrat Ciencia Al Poder along with administrators Flygon 7, FlygonX, Ganeth, Garder Hoenn, Lucellta, and Zerø. It replaces former member Pokéteca as the Spanish-language representative of Encyclopædiæ Pokémonis.

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