CoroCoro to feature new Pokémon Magiana

Silhouette featured on cover
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  • Wednesday, February 10, 2016
  • Reported on Bulbanews by SnorlaxMonster
    Originally reported in CoroCoro Comic magazine

001Bulbasaur Dream.png
This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.

Update 2:  The Pokémon has now been revealed.

Update:  The video has since been made private.

Magiana silhouette
Cover of CoroCoro

This month's issue of CoroCoro Comic will feature the new Pokémon マギアナ Magiana. A silhouette of the new Pokémon is featured on cover.

Nothing is known about this Pokémon at this time, other than that the magazine explicitly calls it a new Pokémon. This month's CoroCoro Comic is set to be officially released on Feb. 15, although fans often obtain the magazine earlier.

The cover was revealed in an official promotional video for this month's issue of CoroCoro Comic.

CoroCoro commercial