New anime story arc begins in Japan this autumn
Conclusion of the Diamond & Pearl series announced
TV Tokyo have announced on their official website that the Pokémon Diamond & Pearl series will conclude in Japan in the third quarter of this year. The Diamond & Pearl series of the Pokémon anime (Japanese: ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl) is the third series of the long-running anime, starting after the end of the Advanced Generation. It has been screening on TV Tokyo since September 2006.
Planning has apparently already begun for the next arc in the continuing series. While a title has yet to be announced, it is likely that the new arc will be based on the upcoming Pokémon Black and White Versions, which are scheduled to be released in Japan around the same time as the new story arc will begin.
- Official Pokémon site (Japanese)