Pokémon Bank launches in the Americas
Following the surprise release in Europe and Australia, the Pokémon Bank has been made available in the 3DS eShop for North American, South American, Latin American and Central American audiences. The game is automatically set at Version 1.1 and it has a 30 day free trial, which is redeemable before March 14th 2014. Following the free trial, the Bank will cost $4.99 yearly.
Pokémon Bank, the 3DS software that allows online storage of Pokémon and transfer of pre-Gen VI Pokémon via Pokémon Transporter, was originally scheduled for launch around Christmas 2013, but after release in some parts of Asia extremely high traffic brought Nintendo's servers down and caused the software to be removed from the eShop in regions it had been released in, with the release postponed for all other regions.
On January 22, 2014, Pokémon Bank returned to the eShop in the Asian regions that had already seen a release and was subsequently released in Europe and Australia two weeks later.