Fossil mechanic explained
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In their weekly update, the official Japanese TCG blog has revealed Carracosta (017/066) and Cover Fossil (063/066) from Red Collection. Various aspects of how the Fossils can be played are changed, and the Pokémon they revive into are not considered Basic Pokémon, but rather Revived Pokémon. In order to play a Revived Pokémon to your Bench, the respective Fossil must be played first. The Cover Fossil has the player search the bottom 7 cards of their deck, and if Tirtouga is there, it can be played on the Bench. It is currently unknown if the Plume Fossil will have the same effect. Due to it being much harder to play Fossils, all the Fossil Pokémon cards have similar powers and attacks as those of Pokémon normally 1 stage higher.
Carracosta アバゴーラ Abagoura
Hit Points: 140
If this Pokémon is damaged by an attack, flip a coin. If heads, that attack's damage is reduced by 50.
Discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon.
weakness ×2
resistance None
retreat cost
Cover Fossil
You can only have 1 Ace Spec Trainer card in your deck.
Look at the bottom 7 cards of your deck. If you find a Tirtouga there, you may put it on your Bench. Shuffle the other cards back into your deck.
You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack).