Shiny Jirachi to be distributed in Japan throughout August
Exclusive to Pokémon Center Tōhoku
Shiny Jirachi will be distributed at the Pokémon Center Tōhoku in Japan from August 1 to 31, 2014 to celebrate Tanabata.
This Jirachi knows Wish, Swift, Healing Wish and Moonblast, is in a Cherish Ball, is level 10, and is holding a Comet Shard. It can be obtained in both Pokémon X and Pokémon Y.
Shiny Jirachi is currently unobtainable in Pokémon X and Y. While it is possible to legitimately obtain a Shiny Jirachi from the Pokémon Colosseum Bonus Disc, Poké Transporter will refuse to transfer it.