All new Pokémon unveiled: Difference between revisions

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Eevee and Kirlia have gained split evolutions. Eevee can now evolve into a {{t|Grass}}-type and {{t|Ice}}-type Pokémon by unknown means. Kirlia can evolve into either {{p|Gardevoir}} and the new evolution, which is {{t|Psychic}}/{{t|Fighting}} and 100 percent male. It is assumed that Gardevoir will become exclusively female to match.
Eevee and Kirlia have gained split evolutions. Eevee can now evolve into a {{t|Grass}}-type and {{t|Ice}}-type Pokémon by unknown means. Kirlia can evolve into either {{p|Gardevoir}} and the new evolution, which is {{t|Psychic}}/{{t|Fighting}} and 100 percent male. It is assumed that Gardevoir will become exclusively female to match.

Previously revealed [[bp:Generation IV|Generation IV]] Pokémon with pre-evolution and evolutions: {{p|Naetle}} (two evolutions), {{p|Hikozaru}} (two evolutions), {{p|Pochama}} (two evolutions), {{p|Mukkuru}} (two evolutions), {{p|Bippa}} (one evolution), {{p|Korobooshi}} (one evolution), {{p|Korinku}} (two evolutions), {{p|Zugaidosu}} (one evolution), {{p|Tatetopusu}} (one evolution), {{p|Minomuchi}} (one evolution), {{p|Buoysel}} (one evolution), {{p|Cherrim}} (one pre-evolution), {{p|Nyarumaa}} (one evolution), {{p|Lucario}} (one pre-evolution), {{p|Dorapion}} (one pre-evolution), {{p|Manaphy}} (one pre-evolution).
Previously revealed [[bp:Generation IV|Generation IV]] Pokémon with pre-evolutions and evolutions: {{p|Naetle}} (two evolutions), {{p|Hikozaru}} (two evolutions), {{p|Pochama}} (two evolutions), {{p|Mukkuru}} (two evolutions), {{p|Bippa}} (one evolution), {{p|Korobooshi}} (one evolution), {{p|Korinku}} (two evolutions), {{p|Zugaidosu}} (one evolution), {{p|Tatetopusu}} (one evolution), {{p|Minomuchi}} (one evolution), {{p|Buoysel}} (one evolution), {{p|Cherrim}} (one pre-evolution), {{p|Nyarumaa}} (one evolution), {{p|Lucario}} (one pre-evolution), {{p|Dorapion}} (one pre-evolution), {{p|Manaphy}} (one pre-evolution).

Some sources are reporting a {{p|Lapras}} pre-evolution and/or evolution, but this is incorrect. The Pokémon suspected of being a pre-evolution is unrelated.
Some sources are reporting a {{p|Lapras}} pre-evolution and/or evolution, but this is incorrect. The Pokémon suspected of being a pre-evolution is unrelated.
