Three new episode titles revealed

Pokémon Contests to be featured in two of three episodes
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  • Tuesday, August 9, 2005

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Pokeani revealed three new episode titles this week, giving anime fans a glimpse at where Ash will go on his quest to champion the Battle Frontier.

AG141: 進化!その神秘と奇跡!! Evolution! That Mystery and Miracle!!
AG142: ポケモンコンテスト・ヤマブキ大会(前編) Pokémon Contest - Saffron Conference (Part One)
AG143: ポケモンコンテスト・ヤマブキ大会(後編) Pokémon Contest - Saffron Conference (Part Two)

The website of 金丸淳一 Junichi Kanemaru, the voice actor for Harley, reveals that the popular Coordinator will appear in the two Contest-related episodes.

These episodes will air on September 8, 15, and 22, respectively.

External links

Junichi Kanemaru homepage