Localizations for several Pokémon, features revealed

Revision as of 20:33, 1 February 2011 by The dark lord trombonator (talk | contribs) (someone else can put these four in a table. i do not have time. sorry.)
Official Pokémon site, Official Nintendo Magazine of UK reveal names
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  • Tuesday, February 1, 2011
  • Reported on Bulbanews by Tc26

001Bulbasaur Dream.png
This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.

The official websites for Pokémon Black and White have revealed previously-reported Pokémon and features. Among these include the legendary Pokémon Victini (referred to as a Mythical Pokémon), the Entralink, and the Pokémon Dream World.

In addition to these, the Official Nintendo Magazine UK has revealed several names. Gym Leaders Dent, Pod and Corn will be Cilan, Chili and Cress, respectively. The Gym Leaders of Striaton City (Sanyou City) all have the Normal-type Lillipup (Yorterry) in addition to an elemental monkey. When defeated, they give TM83 - Work Up (Cheer Up) and the Trio Badge (Tri Badge).

Update:  Further names have come out of the woodwork, following the publication of a blog by Official Nintendo Magazine UK Games Editor Chris Scullion. The names were shown in screenshots accompanying the report on Scullion's first foray into Pokémon Black Version. In his article, Scullion unintentionally reveals the names Tympole (Otamaru), Timburr (Dokkora) and Nacrene City (Shippou City).


Image Japanese English French German Spanish Italian
Global Link logo Japanese.png Pokémon Global Link
Dream World logo Japanese.png Pokémon Dream World
Black White Xtransceiver.png Live Caster Xtransceiver Vokit Der Viso-Caster El Videomisor L'Interpoké
File:Entralink.png High Link Entralink Heylink Kontaktebene Zona Nexo Intramondo
550.png Red-Striped Form Motif Rouge Rotlinige Form Forma Raya Roja Forma Linearossa
550B.png Blue-Striped Form Motif Bleu Blaulinige Form Forma Raya Azul Forma Lineablu
585.png Spring Form Forme Printemps Frühlingsform Forma Primavera Forma Primavera
585S.png Summer Form Forme Été Sommerform Forma Verano Forma Estate
585A.png Autumn Form Forme Automne Herbstform Forma Otoño Forma Autunno
585W.png Winter Form Forme Hiver Winterform Forma Invierno Forma Inverno


Japanese English French German Spanish Italian
Victory Star Victory Star Victorieux Triumphstern Tinovictoria Vittorstella
Healing Heart Healer Cœur Soin Heilherz Alma Cura Curacuore
Herbivorous Sap Sipper Herbivore Vegetarier Herbívoro Mangiaerba


Japanese English French German Spanish Italian
Drill Liner Drill Run Tunnelier Volltrefferquote Taladradora Giravvita
Acrobat Acrobatics Acrobatie Akrobatik Acróbata Acrobazia
Windstorm Hurricane Lakmécygne Orkan Vendaval Tifone
Insect Opposition Struggle Bug Survinsecte Käfertrutz Estoicismo Entomoblocco


# Image Japanese English French German Spanish Italian
494 494.png Victini
505 505.png Miruhog Watchog Miradar Kukmarda Watchog Watchog
511 511.png Yanappu Pansage Feuillajou Vegimak Pansage Pansage
530 530.png Doryuzu Excadrill Minotaupe Stalobor Excadrill Excadrill
540 540.png Kurumiru Sewaddle Larveyette Strawickl Sewaddle Sewaddle
550 550.png Basslao Basculin Bargantua Barschuft Basculin Basculin
581 581.png Swanna Swanna Swaroness Lakmécygne Swanna Swanna
585 585.png Shikijika Deerling Vivaldaim Sesokitz Deerling Deerling
594 594.png Mamanbou Alomomola Mamanbo Mamolida Alomomola Alomomola
