Bulbanews:Senior Writers

Revision as of 08:57, 21 April 2011 by The dark lord trombonator (talk | contribs) (I admit, this is a rush job. I have dishes to wash but wanted to get something else done for today.)
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Bulbanews senior writers are users who have been granted powers to write articles by the board of editors. They sit directly above the writers in the Bulbanews staff hierarchy, and are seasoned reporters who understand Bulbanews style and policy.

Senior writers generally have their own particular areas of interest, which are denoted below. If you have a query about a specific news article or news subject, it may be best to ask a writer who understands the section of the franchise to which your question pertains.

List of writers

Username Activity Since Location Interests
George Hutcheon Active England Flag.png England
Kevzo8 Inactive The Philippines Flag.png The Philippines Events, community
Maverick Nate Active United States Flag.png United States TCG
tc26 Active The Philippines Flag.png The Philippines Anime, events
While Bulbanews makes every effort to keep this list updated, this list may contain more recent information.


The senior writer group may be compared to the senior administrator group on Bulbapedia. Senior writers are able to:

  • Do more stuff than normal writers
  • Not run out of time and do things rushed

Becoming a senior writer

Writers may be promoted to senior writers after a period of service to Bulbanews in which they have shown that they understand both Bulbanews style and policy. Senior writers may have to interact with the userbase more than writers do, so good people skills are important.

Bulbanews staff usergroups
Editorial staff Executive staffBoard of editors
Technical staff BureaucratsSupport StaffBots
News staff WritersSenior WritersColumnists