European Charizard C-Gear skin to be available soon

Revision as of 10:58, 12 October 2011 by Water Max (talk | contribs)
Europe to get one other C-Gear skin later this year
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  • Wednesday, October 12, 2011

001Bulbasaur Dream.png
This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pokémon newspaper.

A C-Gear skin depicting Charizard will be available from Oct. 13, 2011 to Feb. 16, 2012 for those with European Pokémon Global Link accounts. It will be accessed by entering the password "EUPGL102011".

Charizard C-Gear skin

This C-Gear skin is the second C-Gear skin released of three special C-Gear skins available for European users of Global Link as previously reported when the Venusaur C-Gear skin was released. The third special C-Gear skin is assumed to depict Blastoise which was released in Japan earlier this year.
