Upcoming anime
Upcoming anime | |
This page lists upcoming episodes of the Pokémon anime. If for some reason this page has not been updated with the latest information, please notify the Bulbanews team by commenting on the talk page. Titles, times and dates are subject to change. |
Episodes | ||||||
Friday, Nov. 27, 6:55 p.m. JST | ||||||
XY051 |
ルチャブルとダークルチャブル! Luchabull and Dark Luchabull! | |||||
Friday, Dec. 11, 6:55 p.m. JST | ||||||
XY052 |
忍法対決!ゲコガシラ対ガメノデス!! Ninja Arts Showdown! Gekogahshier VS Gamenodes!! | |||||
Friday, Dec. 18, 6:55 p.m. JST | ||||||
XY053 |
セレナの本気!激走メェークルレース!! Serena's Earnest! The Wild Meecle Race!! | |||||
Friday, Dec. 25, 6:55 p.m. JST | ||||||
XY054 |
カラマネロ対マーイーカ !絆は世界を救う!! Calamanero VS Maaiika! The Bonds that Would Save the World!! | |||||
Friday, Jan. 8, 6:55 p.m. JST | ||||||
XY055 |
最弱のドラゴン!ヌメラ登場!! The Weakest Dragon! Numera Appears!! | |||||
Friday, Jan. 15, 6:55 p.m. JST | ||||||
XY056 |
デデンネがんばる!ヌメラのために!! Do Your Best, Dedenne! Do it for Numera!! | |||||
Friday, Jan. 22, 6:55 p.m. JST | ||||||
XY057 |
バニプッチ・パニック!ホワイトアウトはこおりごおり!! Vanipeti Panic! An Ice-Covered Whiteout!! | |||||
Friday, Jan. 29, 6:55 p.m. JST | ||||||
XY058 |
ヒヨクジム戦!ゲコガシラVSゴーゴート!! Hiyoku Gym Battle! Gekogahshier VS Gogoat!! | |||||
Friday, Feb. 5, 6:55 p.m. JST | ||||||
XY059 |
サトシとセレナの初デート!誓いの樹とプレセント!! Satoshi and Serena's First Date!? The Tree of Promises and the Presents!! | |||||
Friday, Feb. 12, 6:55 p.m. JST | ||||||
XY060 |
目指せカロスクイン!セレナ、デビューです!! Aim to be the Kalos Queen! Serena Makes her Debut!! | |||||
Movies | ||||||
July 19, 2014 Japanese theaters | ||||||
Movie 17 |
破壊の繭とディアンシー The Cocoon of Destruction and Diancie | |||||
July 19, 2014 Japanese theaters | ||||||
PK26 |
ピカチュウ、これなんのカギ? Pikachu, What's This Key For? | |||||
Episodes | ||||||
Saturday, Nov. 29, 8:00 a.m. ET | ||||||
XY046 |
The Clumsy Crier Quiets the Chaos! | |||||
Saturday, Nov. 29, 8:00 a.m. ET | ||||||
XY046 |
The Clumsy Crier Quiets the Chaos! | |||||
Saturday, Dec. 06, 8:00 a.m. ET | ||||||
XY047 |
Dreaming a Performer's Dream! | |||||
Saturday, Dec. 13, 8:00 a.m. ET | ||||||
XY048 |
A Campus Reunion! | |||||
Saturday, Dec. 20, 8:00 a.m. ET | ||||||
XY049 |
Bonnie for the Defense! |