Pikachu the Movie 2007-2010 DVD box set release date also revealed
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  • Thursday, June 21, 2012

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The release dates for the Pikachu the Movie 1998-2010 Blu-ray box set and the Pikachu the Movie 2007-2010 DVD box set have been revealed for Japan. Pikachu the Movie 1998-2010 Blu-ray box set will be released on Nov. 28th, 2012 for ¥38,640 ($485 US dollars), and the Pikachu the Movie 2007-2010 DVD box set will be released on Oct. 24th, 2012 for ¥10,500 ($120 US dollars).

The contents listing for each box set is as follows:

Pikachu the Movie Blu-ray Box Set (1998-2010)

This box set does not include the third Pikachu Short Pichu and Pikachu. It is unclear as to why this short is not included in the box set.

Pikachu the Movie DVD Box Set (2007-2010)

Both of these boxsets are being released to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the 「ポケットモンスター」 Pocket Monsters anime.